Monday, May 28, 2007
June holidays' here! :D Bearing lots of homework. Nevermind about that, 'cause I just dreamt about NYPS last night! ^_^ haha. Actually it's sort of those kinds with weird stuff you get in dreams. Like some rope bridges and light and stuff. I don't know what they are either. x3 Aha! And my sis bought a MP3 player yesterday. :D Creative Zen Nano Plus 1GB. Very little space, I say. D: But it's cheap. And it's orange 'cos that's the only colour left. A tiny little mp3. :3 Missing all my good friends and 6J, can't wait for the funfair to arrive. I bought 10 bucks, but I think I may gonna need more. ^^''' haha. Hmm. Going for a bookfair tomorrow(:
written at 1:29 pm
Friday, May 25, 2007
I'm back! :3 Yay! I watched POTC: At World's End yesterday! YAY! On the first day! xD And man it's NICE!<33 JACK SPARROW AND WILL TURNER IS LOVE!<33 Johnny Depp and Orlando Bloom! x3 Aaah! Jack Sparrow. Umm. Captain Jack Sparrow is so super funny and cool! Ahahaha! Aaah! And Will Turner became the [blank] No spoilers. -_-; Orlando Bloom's actually kinda handsome if you come to think of it you know, especially in the last part when he tied up his hair!<33 Oohya. That's called a bandana. :D Haha! And Elizabeth is pretty. x3 I want to watch it in the cinema again!^_^ it's like only after the movie then I realised that it's kinda nice. haha! :3 -squee-
Huishan wants me to type this: And now huishan is haha-ing to the jingle bells tone. Aha! Huishan's turning me nuts too! xD urgh. yeah. Hey. This is cool. -points- aha. Me and huishan are tilting our screens towards each other and seeing our words appearing on the screen side-ways! Aha! Hmm. Let's end it here! :D toodles!((:
written at 3:20 pm
Sabbaticals' over. D: haha. Touch Rugby is fun! :D And i fell down thrice on my butt. haha keep on banging into minghui lor. But it's very fun!<33 Hmm. Then on Tuesday, I saw a jumping cat poop. ;D haha! No lah, it's actually a brown little frog. 'Cause when Ms Chiu is explaining some tag rugby rules to us on the field, something jumped behind her. Yeah. So she screamed and we all surrounded the poor little frog. xD hahaa. Then 'cause we're scared that when we start our game, one of us might accidentally stomp onto the frog, so we started chasing it to the track. I pity the frog leh! It's like super tired when we chased it half way through. haha. Then no matter what we do, it just wouldn't jumped forward. But then when we step on the grass behind it again, it jump like mad again! Aha! So evil(x yeah. Then we had a match with the second batch of ppl this afternoon. ((: Oohya, huishan and i are in the Comp lab again! :3
And we're eating tiny chocolates now ._.''' hmm. I don't think you guys can see those tiny little words probably right? haha^_^ I'll post somemore later if I can, kay? :3
written at 2:42 pm
Saturday, May 19, 2007
Ohno. Mandie's hospitalised. D: Mandie, get well soon kay?
written at 10:21 am
Friday, May 18, 2007
Aaww. Couldn't post yesterday, so here's the post. ;D Ooh, and we went to the old folks home today and we saw a AADOOOORABLE little girl<33 I wanna hug her! :3 And she’s called 乐乐! So cute right? Then she call us “姐姐”!! Omg. We're like so happy!~~ O.O Then we got really obessed with her. OMG. She’s too cute and innocent lah. -squeeze- ^_^ And ms Chang did the sexy banana dance and minghui recorded it. :D Aha.
Aah! Wanqing tag me! :3 haha! Tomorrow's Qingxiao's birthday! Shall wish her happy birthday tomorrow when I see her at the bus interchange? :D haha. Yeah. Ack. And just now huishan called me and the first word she said was something like "Oogashaga!" ? O_o Right, shan? -ruffleruffleruffle-
Aha. Today's very fun. Hmm. We played 猫抓老鼠 during 南中拳 today! So fuuun! x3 Both of the teachers very nice! haha. It's very funny to play 猫抓老鼠! Wanqing run like siaosiao one and Sheryin's reaction very slow, get tag le then she start screaming. Then Xiaowen run very cute, like chicken like that! Those are compliments kay? All of you play so cute one! haha! Yeah, really fun then. I almost laugh my head off lor, and it's always when I'm laughing then I get tagged! Haha! Then it's bio! Actually ms Chen's not that bad, I find her quite nice. Uhh. And we continued our meals planning thing for Mr Spurlock! Super Size Me is nice! But we're like stuffing him with food. Ahaha. And mingming& huishan&amp;amp; yvonne and me went crazy over TUTU KUEH WITH PEEEEAAAANUT!<333 ;D Wahahaa! yumyumm. Yeah. Then we had dumpling lessons! My dumpling is tiiny and super sticky. And I put too little meat. D: Damn. Should have poured the whole box in. Ahahaha! xD jkjk. But it's quite nice lah. ((: ehh. Then afterschool I stayed back with Yiming to finish our boat. The art room is very scary when it's only the two of us... D: Somemore still have the stupid skeleton out there. Haha. So we finished our boat at about 6 and we went home! :D Lol. Aha. Toodles! ;D
written at 10:05 pm